Mostafa Monowar Akib

Foreign Cadre on 43rd BCS



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About Me

I am Mostafa Monowar Akib, a graduate of BUET with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. During my university years, I engaged in freelance writing and literature. I served as the President of the BUET Journalist Society and the Organizing Secretary of the BUET Literature Club. Additionally, I contributed as a feature writer for Prothom Alo (Rosh+alo, Shopno Niye, Adhuna), Jugantor (Bicchu), Ntv Online, and

I have also published several novels at the Amar Ekushey Book Fair from 2016 to 2020, including Bodle Zabar Agee (2017), Mon Junction (2018), Camouflage (2019), Gonite Gotimoy Dadagiri (2019), and Orpheus Er Bashi (2020), a docufiction based on the historic guerrilla crew Crack Platoon.

In 2021, I joined Masmarine Academy Bangladesh as a mechanical instructor. Shortly thereafter, I was appointed as an Assistant Engineer at the Bangladesh Power Development Board, Karnafuli Hydro Station in Kaptai. Recently, I secured the 4th place in the 43rd Bangladesh Civil Service Examination and have been recommended for the position of Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

My Sessions

Career Development Session
(30 Mins)

30 min session Video meeting


Career Development Session
(30 Mins)

30 min session Video meeting


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